Intrication Quantique

Nous sommes tous reliés

En mécanique quantique, l’intrication quantique, ou enchevêtrement quantique, est un phénomène dans lequel deux particules forment un système lié et présentent des états quantiques dépendant l’un de l’autre quelle que soit la distance qui les sépare.

Un nouveau modèle théorique suggère que le temps est une illusion induite dans notre dimension par l’intrication quantique. Dans cette vision, un observateur extérieur à notre univers percevrait celui-ci comme étant statique et immuable, tandis que de notre côté il semblerait soumis à un effet temporel malléable.

L’effet Maharishi

As a leader, entrepreneur and changemaker, you are being called to step up now and be a lighthouse that leads to the path forward.

Turn your light and shine it so brightly that you will be seen, and your voice so clear that you will be heard.You have a profound desire to lead a conscious business that combines both extraordinary wealth and profound compassion for the world.You genuinely care about people and the planet. The idea of becoming a global philanthropist or humanist appeals to you, but you do not know how to get there.

You are done playing small. It is time to enter a new dimension where you get to play in a very big way. To become the thought after expert everyone is looking for and the renaissance leader of change.

As a leader, entrepreneur and changemaker, you are being called to step up now and be a lighthouse that leads to the path forward.

Turn your light and shine it so brightly that you will be seen, and your voice so clear that you will be heard.You have a profound desire to lead a conscious business that combines both extraordinary wealth and profound compassion for the world.You genuinely care about people and the planet. The idea of becoming a global philanthropist or humanist appeals to you, but you do not know how to get there.

You are done playing small. It is time to enter a new dimension where you get to play in a very big way. To become the thought after expert everyone is looking for and the renaissance leader of change.

Conscience Universelle

As a leader, entrepreneur and changemaker, you are being called to step up now and be a lighthouse that leads to the path forward.

Turn your light and shine it so brightly that you will be seen, and your voice so clear that you will be heard.You have a profound desire to lead a conscious business that combines both extraordinary wealth and profound compassion for the world.You genuinely care about people and the planet. The idea of becoming a global philanthropist or humanist appeals to you, but you do not know how to get there.

You are done playing small. It is time to enter a new dimension where you get to play in a very big way. To become the thought after expert everyone is looking for and the renaissance leader of change.

As a leader, entrepreneur and changemaker, you are being called to step up now and be a lighthouse that leads to the path forward.

Turn your light and shine it so brightly that you will be seen, and your voice so clear that you will be heard.You have a profound desire to lead a conscious business that combines both extraordinary wealth and profound compassion for the world.You genuinely care about people and the planet. The idea of becoming a global philanthropist or humanist appeals to you, but you do not know how to get there.

You are done playing small. It is time to enter a new dimension where you get to play in a very big way. To become the thought after expert everyone is looking for and the renaissance leader of change.

Are you ready to skyrocket your expansion?