Famille d’âmes
Souvenez-vous des rêves éveillés et de leur impact sur le changement
This painting is in honour of the elders, the ancient ones, the carriers of story, the weavers of time. Is is in gratitude of their wisdom, their presence, and their magic. The elders have largely been forgotten, and the time has come to remember them.
Return to the feet of the grandparents, the old-growth trees, the mountains, the water. Get quiet. Listen. Respect. Have gratitude. By @autumnskyeart
Je te vois, je t’accueille et je te respecte dans ta singularité
Oel ngati kameie
Les coincidences, les synchronicités et la sérendipité sont des signaux forts de l’univers qui te signale que tu es sur la bonne voie