Conscious Future Consulting ®

A gift from the Future

The Quantum Leadership Model © is a methodology to contribute more consciously to the world, restore balance on our Earth and create prosperity for all.
It is an archetype of the future of leadership and the condensed result of years of research and practices of embodiment from Nathalie Coral Lepeltier.



Thrive in the emerging future while honouring life within and without

Lead life honouring organisations that contribute to a bright future for all

What we offer:

Future Thinking and strategic Vision in business and organisations
Transformative leadership journey
Transmission of deep knowledge and wisdom for teams
Exclusive network of visionaries and pioneers

Business is not about business. It is about fulfilling our human needs.

Together we assess the current situation of your organisation and leadership, develop conscious leadership and business approach in all area of your life, and scale your results, with your contribution to the global situation in mind, and the intention to create a major positive impact.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”
Albert Einstein

Actualize – “We have always been our becoming” Chief Phil Lane Jr

The time is Now to transform, evolve and create a greater impact.

Are you able to surf on chaos and turn a crisis into a quantum leap?

To thrive we have to develop new leadership skills. We need to empower ourselves and show up with our genius, skills, talents and truth at the forefront.

The new leadership model is more about who you ARE than about what you DO. Are you the kind of world-changing leader that people follow and magnetizes success?
Are you true to your desires, following your higher path and contributing to evolution on a larger scale?

Quantum Leadership


Conscious Future Leader Program and consulting for individuals, teams and organisations

Upgrade your conscious business leadership

We address different areas in your leadership and your organisation:

  • Your authentic power
  • Relationship and teams
  • Purpose-driven culture
  • Conscious Regenerative Business
  • Conscious leadership based on the Quantum Leadership Model ©

Activate your future potentials and a quantum vision of reality through conscious choice

Our consulting holds a strong component of yin feminine power: the focus is not on what you need to do, but who you need to be in order to step up to your next level of global and quantum leadership.

It is focused on transformation and recalibration, supported by knowledge and embodiment experimentation. We address your creativity and playful genius, your whole body intelligence, we apply nature’s wisdom and think in interconnected systems.

Learn to apply and practice skills of the new paradigm leadership, expose yourself to radically new levels of reality and expand your heart intelligence and mind powers.

Together we create the future of your organisation and your projects from the inside out.

Knowledge and embodiment in the eight dimensions of Quantum Leadership ©

  • Vision of future possibilities
  • Heart intelligence and Soul wisdom for guidance
  • Non linear time for decision making
  • Quantum Field Reading – The future of your organisation in an informed universe
  • Brain and mind training for decision making
  • New leadership values
  • Light matrix for enlightened actions and decisions
  • Creativity as the expression of your genius

The Quantum Leader Model © is a compass for this new era and the framework for our consulting.

It helps you identify blind spots and restore balance within to make inspired and aligned decisions.
It is a guide to master feminine/masculine energies when and where needed.

Get ready to lead your projects and your organisation to the next level.



Is the Quantum Leadership © model of consulting for me and my organisation ?

Yes, if you want to lead the way forward with impactful actions inspired from a thriving future!

Be fully aware of the different dimensions that make you who you are, a multidimensional human.

Master the universal laws of life and become a powerful creator.

This is tailormade for you if you are a future creative leading a team or an organisation and…

You feel a call for something bigger, but you know you will not get there on your own.

You want to show up as a storyteller of the new paradigm.

You are in danger of burning out or missing the deeper sense of your life.

You and your organisation are exposed to unseen sudden changes.

You need to master the new rules of the game and the way the universe works.

You want to play with the quantum field of information.

What will you gain ?

  • In depth knowledge and mastery of the new rules of the game.
  • Cutting edge methodology to bring out the best of yourself and your ecosystem.
  • A space for reflection and action to achieve more with less.
  • A tribe of like-minded partners from around the world.
  • Pristine vision of the future in one, five, ten years that will guide you to make strategic decisions

Quantum Circle

Take a step into the next level of humanity and join the Conscious Future Quantum Circle ©.

Online Global Connection

An exclusive space to co-create, mastermind and apply information from the future with other like-minded leaders.
Once you work with Nathalie, you have access to this future-driven, inspiring community.

Join the Conscious Future Quantum Circle © and take on an evolutionary journey into your highest potential as a world-changing leader.

Contact us

Do you feel the call to take your leadership, your projects and your organisation to the next level?

Get in touch