

Heart Intelligence

Mysteries of the Heart

The Power of the Heart – Heartmath

Build the bridge between the Heart and the Brain – Gregg Braden

The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence


The Maharishi Effect

A message of Hope and Science – Bruce H. Lipton, Ph. D

Transcendental Meditation

What is consciousness: A Scientific Perspective by Quantum Physicist John Hagelin, PhD

John Hagelin, Ph.D on The field of Consciousness

Holographic universe

The Holographic Universe

Butterfly effect

This Video Will Change Your Life

Butterfly Effect Theory in Action

The Global Consciousness Project

The Global Consciousness Project: Findings – Roger Nelson

The Human Heart – Sacred geometry

Franck Chester

Blueturn Overview Effect

Blueturn – Overview Effect – May 2017

Morphogenic fields

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, Biologist

Akashic Field

Dr. Ervin Laszlo on The Akasha Paradigm

The Field

Lynne Mc Taggart

Leadership to thrive in a complex world

Le leader de demain intuitif et visionnaire crée à partir du futur émergent 6/11/2020

Cities of the future

Exocity simulation in Dubai

The world in 2050

Singapore 2050

Future Paris

Sacred Geometry and DNA

How Sacred Geometry is embedded in your DNA