Nathalie Coral Lepeltier

About Nathalie

Nathalie Coral Lepeltier

Author, Speaker, Founder of Conscious Future Institute and creator of the Conscious Future Leadership Model ©


Nathalie has decades of experience helping ambitious leaders, entrepreneurs, pioneers and fiery souls lead from the light within.

She started her professional life as an executive in global corporations. She experienced a wake-up call the day she nearly died from a serious liver disease and gave up her succesfull business career to travel the world with her family across various countries including England, Sweden, The United States, India, Sri Lanka, The United Arab Emirates, The Kingdom of Bahrain and Singapore. Her way of life has always been long ahead of her time!

She holds an extensive experience of training and mentoring people across diverse spiritual areas (kundalini yoga, spiritual and evolutive hypnosis, akashic records reading, quantum healing, future visioning with future life progression by Anne Jirsch ) in various cultures and environments. She is blessed to be surrounded by a tribe of global visionaries, pioneers and leaders of change.

Her passion is to help other access the hidden gems within, connect to their sacred heart, find peace within themselves, remember who they really are on a soul level to become wayshowers for others and impact for good.

Nathalie has a natural ability to access clear multi-perceptions and visions of possible scenarios of the future as a born oracle. She lead people to travel beyond time space limitations to ignite changes from within. She has direct access to knowledge of the future in different areas like technology, healing, education, business, structures, environment. She opens for you accesses of informations of your area of expertise to thrive in your future and embody it in your present with the best possible next action and decision.

She remembers very clearly her soul history. She has been incarnated for a long time on Earth in Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Perse, Greece and Italy. She reconnected as well with her galactic heritage.

She is sharing vision and experience across various environments, inclusive of corporations and NGOs. She has been building a tribe of leaders of change and visionaries. Together, they hold a very clear vision of what is ahead of us: a world of peace, unity and prosperity for all.

Every eight years the danse of Venus and Earth create the geometric pattern known as Rose of Venus. Each petal is said to represent a different stage on the pathway to greater love.

Does this resonate with you?

  • You would like to expand your vision guided by your heart desires
  • You would like to access the quantum field for guidance and inspiration
  • You would like to expand your possibilities while collapsing time and fast tracking your truth and your legacy for the world
  • You want to master time and energy, the most precious value of our era
  • You wish to balance feminine and masculine energies in your leadership
  • You would like to play with the new rules of the game of life on Earth

Does it resonate ?

  • You have Interest in personal evolution and your ability to create unlimited expansion and shift to a world of possibilities
  • You have a learning and curious mindset and a joyful spirit
  • You know you came to serve humanity and be a beacon of light
  • You feel it is now the time to invest in yourself, your future, and the future of our children

Our value

Be prepared to shift

  • From lack of vision to a fully expanded vision guided by your Sacred Heart as a compass

  • From lack of purpose to pristine clarity about your life journey and legacy for the world

  • Embody the luxury to BE YOU and impact with ease and joy

My personal commitment is to bring peace to the world by empowering people to find peace within themselves.

Nathalie Coral Lepeltier

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